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Lifeng Zhang

更新时间:2023-01-15 11:15

Lifeng Zhang, professor and president of North China University of Technology. He is the distinguished professor of “Changjiang Scholars" of the ministry of education China, winner of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, the national “ten thousand people plan” innovation leading talent, young and middle-aged leading talent in science and technology innovation of the ministry of science and technology China, the leader of National Huang Danian-style teaching teams of the Ministry of Education. His main research fields are high-quality steel, non-metallic inclusions in steel, simulation of transfer phenomena in metallurgical process. He successively presided over more than 70 scientific research projects, including national, provincial projects and National Defense Science and Technology Project. The total amount of scientific research funds is more than 100 million yuan. At present, over 400 papers retrieved by SCI or EI and three monographs have been published,. Besides, 3 international patent, 40 Chinese patents and 10 software patents have been obtained. He has won many awards, such as Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award Youth Award, Wei Shoukun Metallurgical Youth Award, AISI Richard J. Fruehan Award, Distinguished Visiting Scholar of Royal Academy of Engineering, etc.


