Dr. Hiroyuki MATSUURA is an
Associate Professor in the Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School
of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. He has put major effort into the
fundamental understanding of physical chemistry in pyrometallurgical phenomena,
mainly focusing on hot metal pretreatment, BOF, and secondary refining in
ferrous manufacturing. One of his significant achievements is the elucidation
of non-metallic inclusion in various steelmaking processes, such as the
inclusion formation in deoxidation reaction and the modification of inclusion
in molten steel during secondary refining, secondary precipitation during
solidification of molten steel, and the further evolution of inclusion
accompanied with the microstructure change during reheating process. He has
made more than 120 publications and 100 international conference presentations.
Currently, he serves as an Editorial Board of the Journal of Iron and Steel
Research International, an Associate Editor of Tetsu-to-Hagané and ISIJ
International, and a Key Reader of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.